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The [PY]mpact Team scientific production

Since 2013, when the Chelyabinsk impact event literally hit the meteoritical and asteroidal community with the first impact event observed in the era of internet and pervasive observing networks, our group started to investigate these phenomena. In the list below you will find the peer-review papers and gray literature some of the members of our team has published during these years. if you want to reveal the abstract of all papers.

Conditions for visual and high-resolution bistatic radar observations of Apophis in 2029.
Agustín Vallejo, Jorge I. Zuluaga, Germán Chaparro
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(3), 4438-4448.
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac3046
arXiv: 2201.12205

Location, orbit and energy of a meteoroid impacting the moon during the Lunar Eclipse of January 21, 2019.
Jorge I. Zuluaga (SEAP/IF/UdeA), Matipon Tangmatitham (MTU), Pablo A. Cuartas-Restrepo (SEAP/IF/UdeA), Jonathan Ospina (CAMO/SAA), Fritz Pichardo (ASTRODOM), Sergio A. Lopez (Astrosur/Orion/SAA), Karls Pena (ASTRODOM), J. Mauricio Gaviria-Posada (Obs.LaLoma)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 492, Issue 3, March 2020, Pages 3666–3673
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz3531
arXiv: 1901.09573

Can we predict the impact conditions of metre-sized meteoroids?.
Jorge I. Zuluaga (SEAP/IF/UdeA), Pablo A. Cuartas-Restrepo (SEAP/IF/UdeA), Jhonatan Ospina (SAA/CAMO), Mario Sucerquia (SEAP/IF/UdeA)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 486(1), L69-L73.
DOI: 10.1093/mnrasl/slz060
arXiv: 1904.12807

Speed Thresholds for Hyperbolic Meteors: The Case of the 2014 January 8 CNEOS Meteor.
Jorge I. Zuluaga (SEAP/IF/UdeA)
Research Notes of the AAS, 3(5), 68..
DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/ab1de3

Towards a theoretical determination of the geographical probability distribution of meteoroid impacts on Earth.
Jorge I. Zuluaga (SEAP/FACom/IF/UdeA), Mario Sucerquia (SEAP/FACom/IF/UdeA)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477(2), 1970-1983..
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty702
arXiv: 1801.05720

A General Method for Assessing the Origin of Interstellar Small Bodies: The Case of 1I/2017 U1 ('Oumuamua).
Jorge I. Zuluaga (SEAP/FACom/IF/UdeA), Oscar Sanchez-Hernandez (SEAP/FACom/IF/UdeA), Mario Sucerquia (SEAP/FACom/IF/UdeA), Ignacio Ferrin (SEAP/FACom/IF/UdeA)
The Astronomical Journal, 155(6), 236..
DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/aabd7c
arXiv: 1711.09397

The orbit of the Chelyabinsk event impactor as reconstructed from amateur and public footage.
Jorge I. Zuluaga (IF/FCEN, UdeA), Ignacio Ferrin (IF/FCEN, UdeA), Stefan Geens (Ogle Earth)
arXiv Repository
DOI: arXiv.1303.1796
arXiv: 1303.1796

A preliminary reconstruction of the orbit of the Chelyabinsk Meteoroid.
Jorge I. Zuluaga (SEAP/FACom/IF/UdeA), Ignacio Ferrin (SEAP/FACom/IF/UdeA)
arXiv Repository
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1302.5377
arXiv: 1302.5377