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The [PY]mpact Team is a research innitiative intended to theoretically investigate different aspects of the dynamics of small bodies in the Solar System (asteroid and comets) and the menace pose by some of them. The Team is based in the Universidad de Antioquia in Medellin (Colombia) but it has collaborators across the country and abroad (see the list of our team members).

El [PY]mpact Team es una iniciativa que pretende investigar diferentes impactos de la dinámica de los cuerpos pequeños del sistema solar (asteroides y cometas) y la posible amenace que algunos de ellos representan. El equipo tiene como sed principal la Universidad de Antioquia en Medellin (Colombia), pero cuenta con colaboradores a lo largo del país y en otros lugares del mundo (ver la lista de miembros de nuestro equipo).

In this website you will find all the scientific products (papers, technical documents, documentation, etc.), programming products (packages, notebooks, etc.) and data products (databases, plots, etc.) generated by the team in more than 10 years of research.

En este sitio web usted encontrará todos los productos científicos (artículos científicos, documentos técnicos, documentación, etc.), los productos de software (paquetes, cuadernos de Python, etc.) y los productos de datos (bases de datos, gráficos, etc.) generados por nuestro equipo en más de 10 años de investigación.

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How many asteroids are out there?

¿Cuántos asteroides hay allá afuera?

Have you ever wondered how many asteroids are out there? But more importantly, how many of them are potentially dangerous to Earth? In this page, we will try to answer these questions. And we will do so by using the latest data provided by the NASA Small Body Database and state-of-the-art population models.

NEOs1 discovered to March 12 2025 23:00
Total number of discovered NEOs 38091
Number of NECs2 210 [0.55%]
Distribution by classes3 Amor, 13353 [35.06%]
Apollo, 21481 [56.39%]
Aten, 3017 [7.92%]
Encke-type Comet, 6 [0.02%]
Halley-type Comet*, 36 [0.09%]
Atira, 34 [0.09%]
Jupiter-family Comet*, 11 [0.03%]
Jupiter-family Comet, 153 [0.4%]
Number of discovered NEAs4 37881
Numbered of undiscovered NEAs5 420 000 000 [99.99%]
We know all asteroids in the range D ≳ 0.51+0.85-0.23 km (H ≲ 19.25)
  1. NEO is the acronym of Near Earth Object. See science page for details.
  2. NEC is the acronym of Near Earth Comet. It includes cometary nuclei and cometary fragments. See science page for details.
  3. For a list of NEO classes and their definitions see this link.
  4. NEA is the acronym of Near Earth Asteroid. See science page for details.
  5. This is the number of asteroids larger than 2 meters.

What's new

The impact threat of 2024-YR4

In December 22 2024, the asteroid 2024-YR4 was discovered while flying close-by the Earth. The initial determination of its orbit resulted in a potential encounter with the Earth in 2032 with a non-negligible probability of impact just above 1%

Impact trail for 2024 YR4 in 2032-12-22T14:09:36.000 (orbit 62)

For a complete presentation see.
